We’ve gone crazy for ‘Frozen’ themed Birthday cakes! Here are some amazing cakes that have been made by YOU.
We had to start off with this fantastic Olaf cake by Nicola Turner, this cake definitely ups the bar!

Cake by Nicola Turner
This looks so amazing it’s hard to believe that it’s a cake.

Cake sent in by Holli Adamson
This beautiful cake complete with snow globe was sent in by Samantha Watkins.

Sent in by Samantha Watkins
This cake lights up… AMAZING!!

Thanks Keelin Barnes for sharing and Helena Cranham for making it!
This castle cake is unbelievable!

Thanks for sharing Natasha Ballard.
I love this Olaf cake. Can’t believe it’s your first ever attempt at a birthday cake Hayley Kent, well done.

Sent in by Hayley Kent
… And yet another wonderful Frozen themed cake, we love it!
Frozen characters cakes… these are so sweet!

Sent in by Clare Sweeney

Sent in by Clare Sweeney
This cake is REALLY clever!

Sent in by Laura Dalton.
Wow, a masterpiece!

Sent in by Claire Hogarth Roantree.
Louise Pywell this is a perfect Olaf!

Sent in by Louise Pywell
This is a magical Frozen cake!

Sent in by Cherella Young
Love the pink snowflakes around this cake.

Sent in by Claire Collier.
This one is so elegant it could be a wedding cake.

Sent in by Emma Digby.
Olaf looks so happy to be on this wonderful cake- I can see why it looks amazing!

Sent in by Amanda Harvey
This cake looks too good to eat!

Sent in by Ben-Jenkinson. Swee tCakes By Barnesy
My mouth is watering just from looking at the white chocolate fingers on this tasty looking cake.

Sent in by Charlotte-Johnson
A frozen princess castle cake, I think I might attempt a similar one.

Sent in by Claire Gough
This is a very creative cake, when I saw Sven I giggled.

Sent in by Kelly Artley
We know many little princesses who would love a cake like this one on their birthday.

Sent in by Kirstie Durrant
There are some very pretty snowflakes on this cake and the figurines are adorable.

By McCool cakes
Such cleaver decoration on this cake, I think it is a transfer?

Sent in by Sarah Quigley Simms
This looks delicious, I wonder if the ‘ice’ is edible?

Sent in by Stephanie England
I bet Keli was delighted with this cake.

Sent in by Tracey Martin
Loving the sparkles on this delicious-looking cake.

Sent in by Helen Chambers
Looks like edible snow and ice on the top how clever.

Sent in by Joanne Abbott
The pink icing on this cake would be perfect for a little girl!

Cake by Alev Nevzat