Simple & Healthy Backpack Snacks for Days Out

If you’re heading out for a fun-filled day,
You’ll want to keep the little one’s hunger at bay!

Fruit, nuts and energy bars too,
There are snacks suitable for the whole crew!

Grapes and Marshmallows

This backpack snack idea is super easy – and cute too! Grab a couple of plastic pots (any size will do) and fill to the brim with grapes and a couple of marshmallows for the ‘eyes’. Draw on a smiley face for your backpack companion and voila! Don’t forget to add a bit of sticky tape on the lid to avoid any squishy grape disasters!

Baked Apple ‘Crisps’

If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to a traditional snacking favourite, have a go at making some fruit ‘crisps’. I love using apples for this one! Simply cut thin slices of the apple and place in the oven for 40 minutes on 140C/120C fan/gas mark 1. You could even try sprinkling spices like cinnamon over the top before baking for an extra flavoursome treat!

Oat and Fruit Bars

Making up a batch of oat and fruit bars are perfect for those on-the-go moments… and for adding to backpacks! There are lots of yummy recipes online that you can choose from, like this one from BBC Good Food. Simply wrap in some parcel paper to keep them fresh and pop them in a Tupperware tub for a crumble free zone!

Apple and Peanut Butter Bites

These naughty but nice apple and peanut butter topped slices are great for packing in some much-needed protein and nutrition… with a little bit of chocolate too of course! Simply slice up an apple (a medium thickness tends to work best with these), top with some natural PB and add a sprinkle of nuts and chocolate drops. Yum! I’d suggest wrapping these individually in some tin foil to avoid any sticking together.

Coconut and Cocoa Energy Balls

Not only are these energy balls super nutritious, they also require NO baking! This recipe from All Recipes is perfect for whipping up a batch the night before (or, like me, the morning of!) your family day out. Just allow some time for them to freeze before you head out!

Trail Mix

It wouldn’t be a backpack snack post without including this one – the trail mix! As well as being super easy to pack away in zip bags or little tubs, trail mix is also a great way to pack in some vitamins and protein and fuel up for the exciting day ahead.

Have you got any snack ideas that are backpack friendly? Let us know your favourites on Facebook, Twitter and by tagging us in your Instagram posts!

What have you been up to? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Categories: Recipes
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