Easy DIY costume ideas for World Book Day 2020

World Book Day is coming soon,
and we have some DIY costume ideas just for you!
Mr Bump or the Golden ticket take your pick,
All you need is some cardboard and paint and it’s super quick!

Mr Bump

What you’ll need:

⭐️A large piece of cardboard
⭐️White and blue acrylic paint
⭐️Sharpie or paint marker in black


Step 1: Begin by tracing around a large circular object (or free-hand if you’re brave enough) so you have a large circle on your piece of cardboard.

Step 2: Use the first circle as a template to make a second one (one for the front and one for the back of the costume).

Step 3: On the front circle do a light sketch of where the mouth will go and then rule the lines for the bandages. – You may find it handy here to have an image close by of Mr. Bump for reference. Next, using the blue paint, paint the second and fourth space.

Step 4: Using the white paint, fill in the bandages. You will need at least two coats of paint.

Step 5: Next, using a sharpie or black paint pen make lines for the bandages. Trace around a smaller circular object (I found the paint bottle base perfect for this) then fill it in using the same black marker.

Step 6: Paint the reverse side of each circle. Set aside to dry.

Step 7: Finally, whilst the head is drying, cut four strips approximately 1.5 inches wide from one of the side panels of the board. Attach the strips to both the top and sides of the costume, making sure your child’s head can fit through!


Roald Dahl Golden Ticket

What you’ll need:

⭐️A large piece of cardboard
⭐️Gold Acrylic paint
⭐️Sharpie or paint marker in black


Step 1: Begin by cutting out a large rectangular shape out of cardboard.

Step 2: Paint the piece of cardboard using the gold acrylic paint.

Step 3: Once dry, using a sharpie or black paint pen draw on the ticket details. I found it handy here to have an image close by the golden ticket for reference.

4. Finally, cut two strips approximately 1.5 inches wide from your leftover cardboard. Attach the strips to the top of the costume, making sure your child’s head can fit through!

What have you been up to? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to have a go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Let’s go on a Picniq! Follow us on FacebookTwitter or tag us on Instagram using #PicniqUK! 

Eleanor Weeks:
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