DIY Recyclable Wrapping Paper

Christmas is around the corner, What shall we make?
This recyclable wrapping paper you can easily create,
Use some brown paper, stamps and save those trees,
Why not personalise it too, it really is a breeze!

What you’ll need:

Brown Parcel Paper
Christmas Stamps
Ink pad or Paint
(Optional) : ribbon or bows for decoration

How to make:

          Firstly, start by cutting your brown paper to desired size,  I tried using the ink pad but the colour was not solid enough, so I used red poster paint instead, using the matte side (not the shiny side) of the brown paper- paint your stamp and carefully apply to the paper in a pattern of your choice.

Repeat this process until you have filled your paper.  I used a different stamp to create alternate rows of patterns, but you can choose whichever design you fancy! Why not get the kids to draw or create their own design on the paper, or you could personalise the paper with initials or names.  If you do not have Christmas stamps (we got ours from eBay & Poundland really cheap) you could always use potatoes as stamps! Just make sure you dry the potatoes out so they aren’t too moist!

Once you have filled the paper with your pattern,  make sure you dry completely before wrapping!

Now the fun part, -wrap your prezzies and you can add ribbon or bow for those final finishing touches! Voila, there you have it, some cute homemade, recyclable (as long as the paper does not get wet) wrapping paper to show off under the tree this Christmas!

Feeling inspired? Why not try making matching gift tags using some brown card to accompany your paper! 🙂

What have you been making? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to have a go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Let’s go on a Picniq! Follow us on FacebookTwitter or tag us on Instagram using #PicniqUK! 

Rachel Cave:
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