1. Kelly Smith: “Hiya, my little boy Ted turned 2 on new years day and he loves diggers and dump trucks and chocolate cake so I pinched a few of his favourite toys to make his birthday cake with lots flakes, crunchies and maltezers”:
2. Michelle Crawford: “My little girl was 1 yesterday & this was her cake”:
3. Kerry Brown: “My take on the death by chocolate cake. Used choc fingers instead of wafer rolls.”:
4. Laura Wilson made this Peppa Pig cake:
5. Christy Rice: “My son, Chris’, 8th birthday cake that I made for him. He loves playing military so I made him a military cake!”:
6. Kat Gardner’s take on the Lego Cake:
7. One anonymous mummy sent in this piccie of her little one’s Batman Cake:
8. Kathleen White: “Hello, This is my mike cake”:
9. Kat Gardner’s second cake is this beautiful wonder:
10. Sarah Perkins’s Pigs in mud:
11. Tracy Haynes sent in this picture of her Minion Cake:
12. Danielle Harrison’s little one had a Disney Cake:
13. Brandy Johns: “Here’s a homemade cake and cupcakes for a movie themed party…”: