The Ultimate Guide to Scavenger Hunts

Let’s go on a scavenger hunt and follow cryptic clues,
Are you on the hunt for something yellow, pink or blue?
From gardens to parks and even beaches too,
There’s lots of mind boggling fun just waiting for you!

Location and Time Limit

Scavenger hunts are perfect whatever the occasion and weather! Decide where your scavenger hunt is going to take place, for example in the park, house or even your back garden… or wherever your imagination takes you! Then you’ll know the best spots to select for your clues and decide on an appropriate time limit too.

Choose Your Theme

This could all depend on what your little explorers are studying or loving at the moment! For example, nature hunts are perfect in spring and summer, as well as for learning something new about what wonderful wildlife can be found in their very own garden!


Be sure to make an enticing prize for your little explorers to hunt for! This could be a great and sneaky way to introduce sweets as a treat or reward, as opposed to a regular snack.

Write Your Steps

Now that you’ve decided on what your prize will be, it’s time to decide exactly where your little explorers should visit on their clue busting travels! If you’re focusing on nature, it might be worth doing a little research into what can be found in your back garden, park or beach to make sure you include them as points of interest in the scavenger hunt!

Instruction Sheets

Decide on how you’re going to instruct your little ones. For example, are you going to create a sheet with a list of items to tick off as they go, create flash cards to be found at each location or an image bingo sheet for extra little ones who may need a little more help? Providing a small bag might also be helpful for them to keep all of their discoveries in as they go!

Create Your Clues

One you’ve chosen how you’re going to guide your little ones, it’s time to start thinking up some creative clues to challenge your little explorers’ minds! If you’ve decided to create clues at each location, you can get creative at how to hint at their next steps. For example, take a photo of their next location, or choose a flower or tree that you’ve found in that spot to make it that little bit more challenging!

Choose Your Teams

Now it’s time to choose your teams! This all depends on how many people you have and the age range, but try to make it as fair as possible. For example, have one adult per team to assist an equal amount of children, if you can!

What have you been up to? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Lets go on a Picniq! Follow us on FacebookTwitter or tag us on Instagram using #PicniqUK! ❤️


Categories: Activities
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