Top Tips for a Sniffle Free Winter!

At the moment so many people seem to be going down with coughs and colds, so in an attempt to keep ‘the lurgey’ at bay I’ve been researching ways to stay healthy and germ free! Here are some ideas to keep the whole family snot free… let me know if they work for you!

Grab some vitamin D!

Get a regular dose of fresh air to give you energy and make you feel good. Being outside also provides Vitamin D which is a fab immune system booster! Letting kids play outside whatever the weather will also give them a vitamin D boost.

Friendly bacteria for happy tums.

The healthy bacteria found in many types of probiotic yoghurts and supplements are a fantastic way to boost your immune system and keep your whole body in tip top condition. Buy products with the highest friendly bacteria numbers you can find. The more the merrier!

Keep hands clean!

Common sense is often the best way! The simple process of washing  your hands removes germs that you have been in contact with, and means you won’t spread the germs around! In our house we have a rule that the kids (and adults) follow before we do anything else. Shoes off, hands washed. We do this EVERY time we come home!

Hands away from faces!

No matter how many times kids wash their hands they will still be little germ factories. Encourage kids not to touch their faces to much- mouths and eyes in particular, with their hands.

Sneeze into a tissue… or elbow!

The inner side of an elbow doesn’t come into contact with much. By teaching children to sneeze into their elbow you are teaching them a great way to help stop germs spreading! Or use a tissue – catch the sneeze in a tissue and bin it!

Catch enough zzz’s!

When you sleep your body is able to recharge your immune system. A healthy immune system keeps colds at bay… simple! (If only it were with kids!)

Antibac on the go!

If you are out and about with the kids it can be difficult to wash your hands regularly. Pop some anti back wipes in your bag and use regularly, especially before food or after shaking hands with someone, using public toilets etc.

Hope this helps! Let us know on FacebookTwitter and by tagging us on Instagram if you have any more top tips for keeping those nasty germs at bay!

Categories: Advice
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