Starlight- an AMAZING children's charity!

Days Out With Kids are proud to support Starlight, an amazing children’s charity that grants wishes to provide seriously and terminally ill children with VERY special experiences, even if they are in hospital.

Here at ‘Days Out With Kids’ we love to help parents and kids find ways to spend quality time together. That’s one of the many reasons we love the ethos of Starlight; not only do the children involved have a wonderful wish experience, but Starlight ensure the whole family are included to make it extra special.

Starlight have granted tens of thousands of wishes; for children like Lydia who wanted to be a Princess for the day,  Colin who wanted to be a Policeman and Chelsea who always dreamt of dancing on a west end stage.

But Starlight don’t just grant wishes! They also provide fun entertainment for poorly children in hospitals and hospices across the UK so that they can think about something other than their treatment.

Special ‘distraction boxes’ are available in every children’s ward across the country to  provide children with something fun to  help keep them occupied and calm when undergoing medical procedures. Starlight also run parties in children’s wards and tour with a pantomime so no matter how poorly a child is they can still have some fun and laughter and forget about their illness for a little while. This year Starlight will brighten the lives of over 500,000 children!

We are so pleased to be able to support Starlight. Through pledging to donate a portion of our profits we will be able to help Starlight grant some more wishes for very poorly children. We will keep you updated with how much we have donated and the wishes that this has helped to make come true.

There are many ways that you can help Starlight;

1) Refer a child. If you know a child with a life threatening or life shortening illness you can contact Starlight to refer them for a wish. Anyone can refer a child, family, friends, medical professionals, teachers……

2) Download the free ‘Give as you live’ app and donate every time you shop online without costing you a penny!


3) Make a donation, 92p in every £1 is used to help sick children.

If you would like to know more about Starlight and their amazing work, click here;


Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Let us know if you support Starlight. Claire Xx



Categories: Charity
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