Royally Delicious Jam Tarts Recipe


Why not make these Royally delicious Jam tarts?
They taste amazing and look the part!
Perfect for the new future King or Queen,
Accompanied by a nice cup of tea!


150g plain white flour
75g unsalted butter, chilled and diced
3 tbsp. unrefined golden caster sugar
1 egg yolk
12 tsp. jam of any flavour
Lemon curd (optional filling)


1. Preheat the oven to 190°/170° Fan/Gas Mark 5 and grease a small tart tin.

2. In a large bowl rub the diced butter and flour together until it looks like fine breadcrumbs. The kids will love getting their hands stuck into this!

3. Stir in the sugar before adding the egg yolk and 1-3 tbsp of chilled water. Add the water gradually according to the texture – you don’t want it to be too wet!

4. Knead briefly to make the dough smooth and then rest in the fridge for 20 minutes. In this time you can decide how you’ll decorate your tarts!

5. On a floured work surface, roll out the dough to about 3mm thickness.

6. Cut circles of pastry with a cutter and sit them in the tart tin. Prick each circle with a fork. This will release any air and prevent the bases from rising up in the middle.

7. Fill each base with a teaspoon of the jam of your choice. We used strawberry and apricot but raspberry, blackcurrant or cherry could work just well. You could even try lemon curd!

8. Roll any remaining pastry and cut tiny decorations to place on top of the jam. We kept it simple with tiny hearts to show the love, but you could go all out with your royal decorations.

9. Bake for 20 minutes until golden. Little ones will need to wait for them to cool before eating – the jam gets very hot!

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Amy Hughes:
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