Online Activities for kids

If it’s raining and you can’t go about,
Here are some online activity ideas to try out.
Keep the fun and education flowing,
Visit virtual museums and game showrooms!

So here we are again, waiting for the weather to clear up so that we can go out into the world and visit all the wonderful places that we’ve been planning. But there’s one thing stopping us! It’s raining! In this scenario, we’ve got your back. Here is a selection of intriguing, fun but also educational online activities that your child will love to try out. Let’s be honest, sometimes we need to draw a line with Netflix!

Vatican Museum, Rome

This is a stunning tour of one of the most famous buildings in the world. The best part is that it’s educational, visually beautiful AND you don’t have to leave your seat! Tour around the Vatican with this online activity, which is perfect for rainy days inside. Find out more here.

Scratch – online coding

This is an online activity that the secondary kids might recognise. However, it’s easy to use, fun, and has endless opportunities for the imagination. We recommend that this app is suitable for ages 6+. Scratch has different functions, one part is coding, design and animation creation, and the other is exploring the projects that others have made.

Scratch has tutorials that are extremely helpful, after you click ‘start creating’ the tutorials can be found in the bottom left. They’re useful and straightforward to follow, particularly if you’ve never used a coding app before. Try it out here.

Sesame Street Online

This site is designed for the younger ones. There’s a range of educational games like helping the cookie monster count his cookies, learning how to look after a puppy or matching cards to help with memory. Additionally, you’ll find colourful and entertaining videos and tons of free printable art. Try it out here.

Hermitage, St Petersburg

Come and visit these 9 different virtual rooms, there are 100s of artifacts to discover. The main museum complex is extremely beautiful. There are humongous paintings of the Olympus Gods, rich paintings and murals to see. Visit the museum here.

Coolmath games

You’ll find plenty of game categories from strategy, skill, numbers, logic, trivia, creative, word and many more!

A personal favourite is the financial game: lemonade stall. For this you order your stock and set a price for your lemonade based on determined factors such as weather. Red Planet Farming, is also a fantastic game which merges space exploration and agriculture. The game begins with a mentor who teaches you how to plant, water and fertilise plants. As the game advances you learn how different elements affect the outcome of the harvest.

So if it’s wet outside and you want your child to do something educational (without them knowing it!) coolmathgames is the place to try out. Check it out here.

Time for Kids

A fantastic feature of ‘Time for Kids’ is that these news articles are tailored to age ranges, which means that the content would be suitable for all ages. In the articles, there are plenty of images to keep these young readers engaged. Additionally, difficult vocabulary is highlighted in orange, and when they are clicked on a definition box pops up.

These articles will keep your child educated on worldly events and topics, whilst being accessible for all.

What have you been up to lately? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

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Lucy Cousins:
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