Make a Valentines Card to keep forever using small hands and feet!

Valentine’s Day is just a week tomorrow! Here’s a really great and really easy way to make a keepsake card with your little ones….

You need:

  1. Red coloured A4 card
  2. White paper
  3. Kids Paint (preferably in pink or red)
  4. A dark felt tip or thick pen
  5. A tray to pour the paint into
  6. Crinkle cutting scissors (optional), order here: http://amzn.to/1et9Cg2
  7. A bowl of soapy water and a towel

To make:

Step 1

Lay a towel on the floor and place the tray on top of it with sheets of white paper laid out in a row for your little one to walk down

Step 2

Pour the paint into the tray and make sure your little one is bare foot

Step 3

Place your little one’s foot into the paint and then print onto the white paper (repeat a number of times until you get some good prints!)

Step 4

Allow the footprints to dry then cut out with the crinkle scissors (Order here: http://amzn.to/1et9Cg2)

Step 5

Fold your red card in half (portrait)

Stick the two footprints to the front making a heart shape (vaguely!)

Step 6

Draw around the footprints with a darker felt tip or pen to define the

heart shape

Step 7

Then write a heartfelt quote on the front: “I love you from the tips of

You can repeat the process with your  little ones hands and make this:my toes X”



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Categories: Craft Ideas
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