Make at home Thank-You Cards

Claire’s Note:

It’s that time of year again, if you’re anything like me then your little ones have tonnes of gifts that need thanking for. Here’s some ideas I’ve come across and how to make them! Xx

1. Cut out letters from newspapers and magazines and stick together to make a heartfelt message:

2. Hand print thank you card, with personalised message:


3. Fingerprint cards, make pictures with them! Don’t forget to put the paint on sponges:


4. For the younger kids out there: use dotted lines on your children’s thank you cards so they can practice & learn to write their name (and learn manners at the same time!):


5. Take pictures of your little ones wearing or playing with what they are thankful for, then stick to different coloured cards and add a message:


6. Take a picture of your little one with a message on a poster board or chalk board and send by email:

7. Stick a picture drawn by your little ones with a message they wrote to coloured cards:


Categories: Craft Ideas
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