Make your own garden bird feeders

From Blackbirds to Robins and Magpies too,
This bird feeder is simple and easy to do,
Hang in the garden and watch the birds have a snack,
It will keep the birds happy and they’ll be sure to come back! 

What you’ll need:

Grated cheese
Yoghurt Pot

Start by creating a hole at the bottom of your yoghurt pot by using a sharp pencil. You might need to help your little ones with this to protect extra little hands!

Then, thread your string through the hole and tie a knot inside to stop it falling off. Make sure you leave enough space on your string to tie it up.

Cut your lard up into small pieces and allow it to warm to room temperature in a large bowl – but make sure it doesn’t melt or it’ll run through the hole at the bottom when you add it to your yoghurt pot!

Now start adding in your bird feed ingredients to the bowl and mix it with the lard together with your fingertips.

Then add your mixture into your yoghurt pot and leave to set in the fridge for an hour.

Once the mixture is completely set, hang your lovely new bird feeder in your garden and watch as lots of interesting and beautiful birds grab a snack!

If you’re feeling fancy and want to make more, why not make differently shaped bird feeders by using shaped cookie cutters, like stars and hearts, and tying them with ribbon? They also make a lovely gift for family and friends too!

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