How to make Hedgehog biscuits

Baking Hedgehox biscuits is lots of fun,
Make sure to send us a picture once you’re done!
Ingredients, and the recipe you’ll find below,
They’re super yummy..trust me we know!

What you will need:

4 cups of flour
3/4 teaspoon baking power
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1 cup Flora White or Trex vegetable fat
1/4 cup golden syrup
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup pecans (if you have a nut allergy please use a substitute – perhaps roasted pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds)
1 bar of chocolate

How to make:

1. Begin, by preheating your oven to 350F/174C.

2. Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl. Then, using a separate bowl whisk together sugar, Trex vegetable fat, golden syrup, eggs and vanilla extract. Once, this is whisked together nicely, stir the sugar mixture into the flour mixture. Place the dough into the fridge until chilled – this will take between 30 minutes to 1 hour.

3. Next, take one tablespoon scoop of the dough and shape the dough into a tear-dropped shaped biscuit. Flatten the pointed side of each biscuit to form the hedgehogs ‘face’. Place on a baking tray and do the same with the rest of the biscuit mixture.

4. Pop into the oven for 10-12 minutes – or until the biscuits are nice and golden. Leave them to cool for 10 minutes before moving them on to a wire rack to cool completely.

5. Next, finely chop your pecans and pop into a small bowl. If you have a nut allergy please make sure to use a substitute! Roasted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds work just as well!

6. Place your bar of chocolate into a microwavable bowl and pop in the microwave until it has melted.  Allow to cool slightly, before dipping each biscuit into the melted chocolate. Making sure to fully coat the ‘body’ of each hedgehog. Once you have done this, press the biscuit Chocolate side down into the pecans to form the ‘fur’. Place the biscuits into a large plate to set for roughly 30 minutes.

7. Finally, with the remaining melted chocolate pop it into a piping bag with a corner snipped and pipe the chocolate onto the pointed end of the biscuit for eyes and a nose.

🌟 Thank you so much to Kathryn Ardill for this amazing recipe! 🌟

Do you have any creative cake recipes?  We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to give them a go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

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Eleanor Weeks:
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