How to make a magical milk bottle fairy house

Do your fairytale mad princesses or knights love making crafts that they can show?
Let them give these milk bottle fairy houses a go!
Not only are you keeping them and their imaginations occupied,
you also are recycling an old milk bottle into something new with this guide!

You will need:

Plastic milk bottles (washed in warm soapy water)
Felt Tips
Pipe cleaners

How to make:

1) Cut a hole in the bottle as a door and another as a window.

2) Use felt tips and stickers to decorate the bottle. If you have time you could paint the bottle first using a mix of paint and PVA glue too. We also added glitter to give a bit of sparkle!

3) Make a ladder using pipe cleaners and stand it next to the window!

🧚Now you will have a perfect little fairy princess house for your little princess to play with!🧚

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Eleanor Weeks:
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