Festive Family Christmas Games

It’s the most wonderful time of the year,
Everybody is smiling from ear to ear!
Keep it fun with this range of festive games,
From Santa’s Limbo to guess the famous names!

1. Guess the Number

Simple but effective. Have everyone guess how many decorations there are on the Christmas tree. There can be a sweet prize like a slice of Christmas cake or some chocolate coins!

2. Charades

This is a classic game for all the family! Simply have everyone write the name of a book, film, show, or even a famous person on a piece of paper. Fold them up and put them in a container. One person picks a piece of paper and must act out what is written on the paper until someone guesses what it is. It is then their turn to act something out.

3. Guess Who

Another game that’s fun for all ages, you’ll need post-it notes for this one! Everyone must write the name of a famous person on a post-it note without anyone else seeing. The famous person can be a celebrity, historical figure, TV character, or anyone else recognisable – let your imaginations run wild! Stick your post-it note on someone else’s forehead and they must ask a series of questions until they can guess who they are. The questions must only be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’!

4. Christmas Movie Drinking Game

Save this one for later in the day… You can create a drinking game for practically any movie! For Home Alone drink every time someone gets injured, every time Macaulay Culkin screams, and every time pizza and/or John Candy is on screen. For Love Actually drink every time Colin Firth says something wrong in Portuguese or every time you hear “bugger,” “bollocks” or “bloody” – so much potential!

5. Santa’s Limbo

Grab a pillow and a belt and get your guests to take it in turns to dress up with a ‘Santa belly.’ Then take a string of Christmas lights or a strand of festive garland or ribbon, play some Christmas music and start the limbo!

6. Music Quiz

Find a playlist online or a Christmas CD and play a few seconds of each song. Everyone must write down, or shout out the name of the song and artist. The person or team who gives the most correct answers wins!

What have you been up to? We’d really love to know! Someone else might love it, and really want to go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Let’s go on a Picniq! Follow us on FacebookTwitter or tag us on Instagram using #PicniqUK! 


Categories: Activities
Amy Hughes:
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