Claire’s Day Out Essentials

Taking the kids out on a fun day trip?
Take a look at this list of things you shouldn’t skip!

Snacks, a towel, and a handy bag,
Here are some ideas for both Mum & Dad!

I love a sporadic day out with my little ones, but let’s be honest it is easier if you are prepared for all eventualities! Here are my 10 ‘days out essentials’ to help days out run smoothly!

1. Food and snacks

An obvious one, but I always include a well-hidden ’emergency’ treat that is only given if a potential ‘meltdown’ moment should occur. For example, traffic jams, a fall, or when it’s time to leave somewhere really fun! Take a look at our simple and healthy backpack snacks recipes here.

2. Plastic or Reusable bag

I’m never without them! They’re so versatile –  use as bin, to hold wet/sandy/muddy clothes, as an ad-hock lunchbox, a liner for a wet car seat, emergency waterproof (with a bit of adaption!!) The list goes on!!

3. Wipes

For spills, mess, hand-washing, car cleaning and toilet pit stops!

4. A towel

For cleanups, and dry offs, even as a blanket! I found these mini ‘magic’ towels which could be good if space is tight. Buy yours here.

5. Spare clothes

I go for unisex options that anyone can wear- tracksuit bottoms/ t-shirts. Store in a ziplock bag so they don’t end up grubby at the bottom of the bag. This also makes an easy grab in an emergency.

6. Pack away waterproofs

For splashing in puddles, unexpected rain- also double up as emergency spare clothes if you don’t have much room!

7. Pyjamas

I always take these, so that a fab day out can keep going until bedtime! Putting pyjamas on before getting in the car means if they fall asleep you can do a quick ‘transfer’ to bed!

8. First Aid Kit

Okay so this is a bit of a wish- so far I just haven’t been this organised! But I LOVE this one as a quick fix! Find it here.

 9. Funky backpack

So they can carry some of their own stuff! With my little ones, I use these which have a bit of room for a drink/snack/nappy but also have the all-important ‘reins’ attached. Find it here:

10. Colouring book and pens/pencils

Whether the kids are getting bored on that long car journey, or simply need entertaining whilst waiting in those queues, Take a small colouring book and pens to keep them occupied at all times!

Hope your days out are happy and hassle-free! xx

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Rachel Cave:
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