Banana Bear Toast

This recipe is delicious, cheap and easy to make with kids!  If your little ones don’t like peanut butter then why not make it with chocolate spread! Here’s how to do it…

What You Need:

  • Toast
  • Peanut Butter or Chocolate Spread
  • Bananas
  • Raisins

How to Make:

  1. Toast your bread to however crunchy you like it!
  2. Spread it with peanut butter or chocolate spread
  3. Chop up your banana:
  4. Place two pieces of banana on the top corners of the bread, then pop one in the middle for the nose!
  5. Next drop a raisins on top of the nose and two above for the eyes:
  6. Next step tuck in!

We’d love it if you could send pictures of fun and creative kids food to suzie@daysoutwithkids.co.uk so we can share them with other parents!

Categories: Kids Cooking
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