6 Ways to overcome loneliness whilst social distancing

Social distancing isn’t easy for anyone but it doesn’t mean that you are alone,
We have got 6 ways to overcome loneliness whilst you are at home!
From creating a new routine that is right for you,
To communicating with friends and family on Zoom calls to help you through!

Social distancing is critical to containing Covid-19, but we recognise that for many people social isolation can cause feelings of loneliness. Loneliness can be being alone or feeling alone, even if we are with family!  So, we’ve popped some ideas below about how to overcome these feelings during a time of isolation and distancing.😊

⭐️1. Create a new routine⭐️

For the vast majority of us, our normal day to day routines will have been hugely disrupted and routine often helps us to feel more in control of everything and make room for all that’s important. Therefore, taking some time to work out how you want to spend your day and creating a new routine will help to maintain a sense of normality. You could include things like doing an online exercise class, taking 30 minutes of your day to read or making sure to do one fun indoor activity a day with your children!

⭐️2. Safely communicate with friends and family⭐️

Phone calls, video calls on the likes of FaceTime, Zoom and Skype or even emails and letters are ALL amazing ways of staying connected! Seeing someone’s face on a video call really can make a huge difference in lifting your mood and helping you to feel less lonely. The chance is, your friend or family member on the other end is most likely to be feeling the same way you are too. So by chatting and communicating through these different apps, you can help one another out with advice on how to keep busy and occupy your time!

⭐️3. Increase your sense of productivity⭐️

Activities that create a feeling of productivity are brilliant for overcoming loneliness. Instead of watching hours of Netflix (don’t worry we are all guilty of this one!!) start of an activity you’ve been putting off! For example, a bit of moderate exercise is a great way to help yourself feel productive. It could be as simple as finding a small space in your house and doing 10 minutes worth of cardio. Or if you’re feeling slightly more adventurous, there are so many online exercise classes currently available to us all right now so why not give one of them ago!

⭐️4. Play fun board games⭐️

Playing board games is one great way you can occupy your time right now! Plus, it’s something you can do with the people you live with as well as with friends and family from afar as a lot of these games you can play online! Think of Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble and so many more!

⭐️5. Make time for self-care⭐️

Giving yourself time to slow down and reflect is super important right now! Whilst this is a great time to be productive, be easy-going in your approach. If some days your routine doesn’t go slightly to plan it is totally ok! This an unknown situation for everyone, and tomorrow is a new day! But, if you can, take some time for self-care. Once the kids are in bed, dedicate 30 minutes to have a nice relaxing bath or read a book, anything that helps you to unwind and feel positive in yourself. As, if you feel more relaxed and positive about yourself and the general situation you’re less likely to focus on that feeling of being lonely.

⭐️6. …and breathe!⭐️

There are so many great free apps you can download onto a digital device that can help guide you with breathing techniques and meditation. Using these techniques will help to ease your anxiety or clear your mind of anxious thoughts. Calm, Aura, Insight Timer and Headspace are just a few of the great app out there available to use on Androids and iOS.

Do you have any ideas for overcoming loneliness? We’d really love to hear! Someone else might love it, and really want to give them a go! If you’ve got ideas, suggestions or reviews, you can shout all about it on whatever channel you choose!

Let’s go on a Picniq! Follow us on FacebookTwitter or tag us on Instagram using #PicniqUK! 


Eleanor Weeks:
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