5 Ways To Break Your Kids Sugar Addiction

I’ve been trying to find ways to reduce my kids’ sugar consumption as they love chocolate and sweets way too much (including me!). Here’s a few tips and tricks that have proven successful in my household in the past for lowering our sugar intake… for a few days that is!

1. Lead by Example

Yep, that means you! Children learn by example and will be looking at you to lead the way.

Swap: processed and packaged sweets for a sugar fix on the go

With: tubs of fruits and packs of nuts for a healthy energy boost

If not you can be sure to expect a lot of “But YOU just ate that chocolate bar!” when trying to get them to eat their greens.

2. Replace Sugar for Natural Sweeteners

There’s so many yummy alternatives to sugar that sometimes taste better than sugar itself!

Swap: Fruit flavoured yoghurts (lots of hidden sugars in these!)

With: Plain yoghurt with a squeeze of honey or chopped up fresh fruit

 The antioxidants in honey and vitamins in fruit are sure to be more beneficial than the white stuff!

3. Prepare Meals as a Family

Making healthy meals as a family is not only a lovely way to spend some time together, but is great for showing your children what goes into their dinners!

Swap: Pre-packaged ready meals and foods high in sugar

With: Homemade dinners using healthy ingredients from scratch

You can use this time to talk about the health benefits of each ingredient as you cook too!

4. Read the Labels

Make it a fun challenge for your little ones to read the labels on your food as you go shopping

Swap: Rushing around the aisles throwing in packets of food as you go

With: Taking time to talk about the difference between red, orange and green labels

Knowing they’re involved will get them more enthusiastic about making healthier food choices!

5. Get Creative

Make healthy food more appealing by getting creative!

Swap: Crisps, cookies and sweets

With: Sliced apple “sandwiches” with a peanut butter filling, chilled sliced strawberries dipped in yoghurt, celery and cherry tomato “caterpillars” and more

Do you know any more tips to help the little ones to kick the sugar habit? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or by tagging us on Instagram using the #PicniqUK hashtag! ❤️

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